What are WordPress workflows?
What you should know
Our workflows
1. Building Your First WordPress Site
Your project checklist
Tips for choosing a domain
Setting up WordPress on a live host
Working with content in WordPress
Evaluating themes and plugins
Managing media in WordPress
The customizer and advanced customizing methods
Launching and other resources
2. Building Your First Child Theme
What is a child theme?
Setting up a local dev environment
Defining our child theme
Migrating a live site to local
Testing our theme with extreme content
How to handle new content locally
Moving our child theme live
Wrapping up
3. Developing a Site for a Client
Building custom sites with Wordpress
Defining roles and responsibilities
Creating multiple environments
Publishing content to the staging server
Setting up a local dev environment
Syncing content between environments
Using version control
An example theme development workflow with Git
Testing the site
Taking the site live
Wrapping up
4. Advanced Build Tools and Workflows
What are advanced tools and workflows?
Grunt, Gulp, and other build tools
Automated testing
A note on Gutenberg and React
Static site generators
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