Cross-platform mobile app development
What you should know
A look at the app you're building
1. Xamarin.Forms
Xamarin.Forms in context
Create a Xamarin.Forms solution
The Xamarin.Forms application
Initialize Xamarin.Forms
Xamarin.Forms pages
Navigate between pages
2. The Xamarin.Forms Shell
Create a Shell application
Organize Shell contents
Customize the flyout
Choose a UI framework
3. Layout and Controls
Xamarin.Forms layouts
Create a page using StackLayout
Use RelativeLayout
Databinding basics: Display data
Bind and display a list of data
Use CollectionView Grid layout
Create a form page with Grid layout
Binding to entry fields
Use ScrollView
Add style to a control
Trigger a style by property value
4. Native Platform Integration
Use OnPlatform
Use OnIdiom
Set up the dependency service
Android service implementation
iOS service implementation
Install Xamarin.Essentials
Use a Xamarin.Essentials package
5. Native Controls and Renderers
Prepare to use native controls
Add an iOS control
Add an Android control
Prepare for custom renderers
Android renderer
iOS renderer
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