xAPI for student engagement analytics
What you should know
1. Introduction to xAPI
What is xAPI?
How does xAPI work?
How is xAPI useful?
Setting up SCORM Cloud
Setting up Veracity
2. Anatomy of xAPI Statements
Building a statement: "I Did This"
xAPI unique identifiers
The Actor element
The Verb element
Where do xAPI Verbs come from?
The Object element
The Result element
The Context element
Using extensions
The Timestamp element
3. Working with Statements
Four steps of xAPI
Sending a statement
Statements on an LRS: Scorm Cloud
Statements on an LRS: Veracity Learning
Record play using HTML5 video
Record play using HTML5 video: Segments
Record quiz results
4. Getting Statements from Your LRS
Querying the LRS
Building and sending a query
Query video plays
Query quiz results
Correlate quiz and video plays
Correlation under the hood
Adaptive learning
How adaptive learning works
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