What you need for this course
1. How Yammer Works
What is Yammer?
Set up a new Yammer network
Log in to Yammer
Explore the Yammer home page
Use Yammer shortcut keys
2. Getting Started
Edit your Yammer profile
Set notification options
Yammer beyond the browser
3. Using the Home Feed
Use your home feed
Follow people and topics
Like, reply, share, and edit posts
Post a message
Mention a person in a post
4. Manage Your Communications
Private message a colleague
Follow or bookmark a conversation
View your notifications
Search in Yammer
5. Work in a Group
View and join a group
Best practices for group participation
Praise a colleague
Poll members of a group
Add an external participant to a conversation
6. Work with Files
Upload files
Create an Office document
Edit an Office document
Manage files
7. Create and Administer Groups
Create a new group and add members
Add a group administrator
Customize the group page
Create an announcement
Pin group content
Create an external group
Administer a private group