The value of LinkedIn ads
Making LinkedIn ads work for you
Where LinkedIn ads fit in the digital marketing ecosystem
Who should and shouldn't advertise on LinkedIn
Time to get started
Page access
Ads access
Insight Tag and conversions
1. The Advertising Capabilities of LinkedIn
Advertising capabilities
Understanding the advantages of ad units
Using Text Ads
Using Sponsored Content
Using Sponsored InMail
Using Dynamic Ads (LMS only)
Display ads (not available from LinkedIn anymore)
2. Preparing Your AMO
The three pieces you need for a social ad (bring your AMO)
Audience targeting
Message (ad content)
Offer (what you're offering to the prospect)
3. Getting Down to the Details
Account structure: Audience size and campaign nomenclature
Bidding and budgeting strategy
Retargeting strategy
4. Making It Effective
Analytics, tracking, and attribution
Benchmarking and troubleshooting