Amazon ML and SageMaker
What you should know before watching this course
Setting up an AWS account
1. Introduction to Machine Learning
Machine learning overview
Learning algorithms and hyperparameters
Steps in AWS machine learning
2. Binary Model
Exploring our binary model data set
Preparing our data for AWS
Creating a datasource
Confirming AWS machine learning schema
Creating a binary classification model
Understanding binary model's predictive performance
Setting binary model's predictive performance
Using the binary classification model to generate predictions
Creating batch predictions in AWS machine learning
Binary classification model environment cleanup
3. Multiclass Model
Exploring our multiclass model data set
Multiclass data preparation
AWS multiclass machine learning model
Predictions and evaluations of multiclass learning model
Generate predictions for AWS multiclass
Creating multiclass batch predictions
Interpreting batch predictions
Clean multiclass model environment
4. Regression Model
Exploring our regression model data set
Regression data preparation
Creation of an AWS machine learning model
Predictions and evaluations of a machine learning model
Regression batch predictions
Clean regression model environment
5. Overview of Other AWS Capabilities
SageMaker, Deep Learning AMI, Apache MXNet
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