Develop and deploy serverless apps
Course overview
1. What Is Serverless?
Serverless overview and concepts
Common serverless architectures
Serverless components for REST services
2. Run and Deploy Your First App with Chalice
What is Chalice?
Chalice installation and setup
Create and run your first app
Deploying, running, and logging in AWS
3. REST Basics with Chalice
Starting a to-do API
Request routing
Request metadata
Error messages
Customizing responses
CORS support
4. Authentication
Authentication options
Implementing basic auth
Integrating basic auth
API keys
5. Cognito Integration
Cognito and web app setup
Chalice configuration
Front-end integration
Testing it out
6. Advanced Deployment
Policy generation
Custom policies
Environment variables
Splitting up your application
SAM deployment
7. Testing
pytest setup
Writing and running tests
Chalice integration tests
8. Continuous Deployment via CodePipeline
Continuous deployment with CodePipeline and CodeBuild
CloudFormation template for CD
Adding tests and other options
9. Other Chalice Features
Periodic tasks
S3 events
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