Build your productivity tools for Microsoft Teams
What are Microsoft Teams extensions?
Getting the most from the course
1. Getting Started
Options for Teams development
Channel apps and personal apps
Adding a simple tab
Looking at App Studio
Packaging and deployment
2. The Development Toolchain
Tooling up
Set up your development account
Development toolchain
Node.js and friends
Visual Studio Code
3. Tabs
What are Microsoft Teams tabs?
Channel/Group tabs
Personal tabs
Challenge: Creating a channel tab
Solution: Creating a channel tab
4. Conversational Bots
Types of bots
Bot registration and Bot Framework
Source code
Bot Framework Composer and Emulator
Challenge: Building a picture library bot
Solution: Building a picture library bot
5. Messaging Extensions
Introduction to messaging extensions
Building a messaging extension
Adaptive Cards
Challenge: Building a messaging extension to find images
Solution: Building a messaging extension to find images
6. Webhooks, Connectors, and Task Modules
Incoming webhooks
Outgoing webhooks
Task modules
Challenge: Gathering information
Solution: Gathering information
7. Getting External Data
Getting data from Microsoft 365 or custom data sources
Authorization and SSO
Building tabs using the SharePoint Framework
8. Packaging and Deployment
Packaging and hosting
Tips and tricks
Next steps with developing for Microsoft Teams