TOGAF exam
TOGAF learning goals
About the TOGAF exam
Deliverables and key terminology
1. Basic Concepts
What is enterprise architecture, and why is it needed?
Why is a framework necessary?
What are the key areas of the TOGAF standard?
Deliverables, artifacts, and building blocks
2. The Architecture Development Method (ADM)
Phases: Purpose, objectives, and approach, part I
Phases: Purpose, objectives, and approach, part II
The architecture development cycle
The architecture development cycle within TOGAF
The need for governance
Scoping and integrating activity and domains
3. The Enterprise Continuum and Tools
Core concepts: Enterprise Continuum
Purpose and constituent parts
The Architecture Repository
4. Guidelines and Techniques
Principles, scenarios, and gap analysis overview
Interoperability, transformation, maturity, risk, and capability overview
5. Governance
Governance overview
Establishing and maintaining architecture capability
The architecture board and compliance
6. Views, Viewpoints, and Stakeholders
Views and viewpoints overview
7. Building Blocks
Building blocks overview
8. Reference Models
Using TOGAF with other frameworks
TOGAF reference models overview
Preparing for the TOGAF exam
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