A few words about the course
1. Fundamental Conflict Resolution Tools
The three rules: Stick to the case, be respectful, don't project
Beware underlying causes: Is the conflict really what you think it is?
Create an intent to collaborate: "Us against the problem"
What to do when you disagree on what the conflict is
How to handle repeating conflicts
"I" statements and absolutes: The dos and don'ts
2. The Conflict Resolution Process
Personal preparation: Map the conflict and check in with yourself
Put yourself in the other person's shoes
Manage your expectations
Schedule the conversation
Set ground rules
Clarify the conflict to get on the same page
Share your experiences using "I" statements
Solutions and compromise
The informal contract
Getting help from a third party
Summed up: With downloadable guide or infographic
How to get good at this
(300 KB)