Build web apps with Symfony
What you need to know
Installing Symfony
Running Symfony locally
Understanding MVC frameworks
File structure
1. Build Pages Using Templates
Create your first controller
Routing with YAML
Routing with annotations
Creating a Twig template
Rendering your template
Challenge: Pass data to your template
Solution: Pass data to your template
2. Create Services with Service Container
Understanding the service container
Using built-in services
Creating your first service
Services with params
Using a service from your controller
Challenge: Create a date service
Solution: Create a date service
3. Work with Data Using Doctrine
Introduction to Doctrine
Set up and config Doctrine ORM
Create your first entity
Creating your DB structure
Implementing into your controller
Doctrine QueryBuilder
Using SQL with Doctrine
4. Authentication with Middleware
Intro to Symfony middleware
Creating a subscriber
Implementing a subscriber
Handle subscriber exceptions
Challenge: Implement token auth
Solution: Implement token auth
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