What you should know
How to use the exercise files
1. Texture Basics
What is texture?
Interview your objects
2. UVs
UV basics in Maya
UV workflows
UV layouts
To UV or not to UV?
3. Textures in Maya and Photoshop
Review reference materials
Remove shadows from the base texture
Tile texture
Texture scale
Brick: Bump map
Brick: Add final touches
Brick: Begin coloring the wall
Brick: Create spec roughness map
Wood floor: Paint textures
Wood floor: Create a normal map
Wood floor: Specular highlights
4. Textures in Mudbox
Review reference materials in Mudbox
Bake hi-res details
Leather: Grain paint textures
Leather: Add cracks
Leather: Final digital sculpting
Leather: Block the color
Leather: Color finalization
Leather: Specular highlights
Leather: Export texture maps
Leather: Render texture maps
5. Textures in Substance Painter
Prep your models
Bake maps at base level
Wall base: Color and metal
Lamp base: Blocking
Lamp base: Finalization
Lamp shade: Blocking
Light bulb: Texture channels
Add a dusting effect
Apply textures from Substance to Maya
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