Using the exercise files
1. Simulating a Liquid
Meeting prerequisites
Understanding Bifrost
Choosing Bifrost options
Setting scene preferences
Laying out the scene
Emitting liquid from a mesh
Selecting Bifrost nodes in the Outliner
Analyzing the simulation in the Node Editor
Pushing liquid with a Motion Field
Colliding with objects
2. Fine-Tuning a Liquid Simulation
Culling particles with a Killplane
Tuning time steps
Tuning transport steps
Adding friction and drag with a motion field
Enabling optional Bifrost channels
3. Caching and Meshing
Writing a user cache
Reading and disabling a user cache
Meshing the particles
Caching a mesh to BIF files
Exporting to Alembic
Referencing an Alembic mesh
Setting an initial state
Advanced caching with cache control
4. Shading a Liquid
Displaying channel data as particle color
Displaying channel data as mesh vertex color
Rendering a liquid polygon mesh in Arnold
Rendering the shape node in Arnold
Rendering meshed voxels
Accessing available Bifrost channels
Shading with Bifrost channels using aiUserData
Remapping Bifrost channel data
Converting velocity to a grayscale float
Combining Bifrost channel data
Building a layered shader
Mapping specular roughness
5. Simulating Foam
Generating foam from a liquid
Adjusting foam attributes
Caching foam
Rendering foam in Arnold
Shading a foam surface with Density
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