What you should know
How to use the exercise files
1. The Basics
Set up a Node.js project
Add TypeScript debugging support
Add helper code and debugging
2. Translation Text API
Set up a project
Set up Translate Text API in Azure and update a project
Write code for getting supported languages
Get supported languages running and refactor the code
Get supported languages using an access token
Get supported languages using access token
Get language names
Write code for translating between langauges
Translations between multiple languages
Break apart longer sentences
Translate lots of content using TranslateArray
Get languages for Speak
Performing Text-to-Speech
3. Bing Speech API
Set up a project and register Bing Speech in Azure
Speech to Text
Get an access token for Text-to-Speech
Bing Speech Text-to-Speech
4. Speaker Recognition API
The theory behind speaker recognition
Register speaker recognition API in Azure and update the project
Write business objects
Craft up the structure of identification helper class
Write code to create and delete identification profiles
Write code for enrollment
Write code for speaker identification
Enrolling the first user
Enrolling the second user
Identifying speakers
Delete identification profiles
(28.8 MB)