User experience and design thinking with OmniGraffle
A quick note before starting
1. Diagramming Organizations: Org Charts
Diagram with shapes and lines
Use text effectively
Style shapes
Style lines
Style and position text
Align shapes
Distribute shapes
Group objects
Create a legend
2. Mapping Content
Organizing content with shapes and text
Controlling connection points with magnets
Finding and using stencils
Using a stencil to create a sitemap
Editing stencil objects to diagram a group
Refining sitemap content
Refining sitemap connections with orthogonal lines
Finalizing the sitemap
Creating an index card graphic
Organizing linear content as virtual index cards
3. Process Flows
Create a process flow diagram with stencils
Edit a process flow based on feedback
Create multiple use case scenarios
Diagram a complex online interaction
Diagram a process that involves real-world and online aspects
4. Wireframes
Choose a wireframe look and stencil
Wireframe a homepage
Edit persistent navigation
Wireframe an advanced search page
Wireframe a search result or browse page
Wireframe a content page for different kinds of media
5. Ideation and Brainstorming
Mind mapping with the Diagram tool
Style mind maps with document styles and layouts
Sketching visual design ideas
Designing a rough logo with stencils
6. Pro Version Highlights
Creating collapsible subgraphs
Styling subgraphs
Convert text to shapes
Editing details with multiple windows
Shared layers
Export Photoshop layers
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