2D lists in Python
Memory game: Demonstration
Your Python setup
1. Review of 1D Lists in Python
Python 1D lists review
2. 2D Lists in Python
Python 2D lists: Introduction
Iterating through 2D lists in Python
Creating and working with 2D lists in Python
Challenge: Dice sums exercise
Solution: Dice sums exercise
3. Game Outline
Imports and constants
Function stubs: The "skeleton" of your program
4. Game Functions
Supporting functions in Python
Additional helper functions in Python
Displaying elements of a 2D list in Python
Working with a 2D list in Python, part 1
Working with a 2D list in Python, part 2
Getting user input in Python
Validating user input in Python, part 1
Validating user input in Python, part 2
main() function final game logic
Refining the Game
Refinements, part 1
Refinements, part 2
Review, comments, and next steps
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