How to use the exercise files
1. What Is Ruby on Rails?
Ruby on Rails introduction
Understanding MVC architecture
2. Get Started
Create a project
File structure of a project
Configure a project
Access a project
Generate a controller and view
Server request handling
Experiment on your own
3. Controllers, Views, and Dynamic Content
Render a template
Redirect actions
View templates
Instance variables
URL parameters
4. Databases and Migrations
Introduction to databases
Create a database
Generate migrations
Generate models
Run migrations
Migration methods
Solve migration problems
Challenge: Migrations for the CMS
Solution: Migrations for the CMS
5. Models and ActiveRecord
ActiveRecord and ActiveRelation
Model naming
Model attributes
The Rails console
Create records
Update records
Delete records
Find records
Query methods: Conditions
Query methods: Order, limit, and offset
Named scopes
6. Associations
Relationship types
One-to-one associations
One-to-many associations
belongs_to presence validation
Many-to-many associations: Simple
Many-to-many associations: Rich
Traverse a rich association
7. CRUD, REST, and Resourceful Routes
Resourceful routes
Resourceful URL helpers
8. Controllers and CRUD
Read action: Index
Read action: Show
Form basics
Create action: New
Create action: Create
Strong parameters
Update actions: Edit/update
Delete actions: Delete/destroy
Flash hash
Challenge: Pages and sections CRUD
Solution: Pages and sections CRUD
9. Layouts, Partials, and View Helpers
Partial templates
Text helpers
Number helpers
Date and time helpers
Custom helpers
Sanitization helpers
10. Assets
Asset pipeline
JavaScript tag and sanitizing
11. Forms
Form helpers
Form options helpers
Date and time form helpers
Form errors
Prevent cross-site request forgery
12. Data Validation
Validation methods
Write validations
Validates method
Custom validations
13. Controller Features
Controller filters
14. User Authentication
Authentication introduction
Secure passwords
Create a controller for access
Login and logout
Restrict access
15. Improve the Simple CMS
Challenge: AdminUser CRUD
Solution: AdminUser CRUD
Public area
Public area navigation
Nesting pages in subjects
Nesting sections in pages
Adding RubyGems: acts_as_list
Finishing touches
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