How to use the exercise files
1. Introducing RSpec
What is RSpec?
Why software tests are important
Thinking in user stories
Writing good tests
2. Installation
Installing Ruby and RubyGems
Installing RSpec
3. First Steps and Concepts
Target code and the spec file
Basic syntax
Writing specs
Running specs
Skipping examples and working with pending examples
4. Working with Expectations
A deprecated modifier: should
Equivalence matchers
Truthiness matchers
Numeric comparison matchers
Other useful matchers
Predicate matchers
Observation matchers
Complex expectations
5. Testing Efficiently
Helper methods
Hooks: before, after, and around
Using the let method
Setting a subject
Implicitly defined subjects
Shared examples
6. Test Doubles
What are test doubles?
Using mocks and stubs
Partial test doubles
Message expectations
Message argument constraints
Message count constraints
7. Challenges
Food-finder application
Challenge: NumberHelper
Solution: NumberHelper
Challenge: StringExtend
Solution: StringExtend
Challenge: Restaurant
Solution: Restaurant
Challenge: Guide
Solution: Guide
8. RSpec with Ruby on Rails
Test database
Transactional examples
Model specs
Helper specs
Controller specs: Requests
Controller specs: Responses
View specs
9. Test-Driven Development (TDD)
What is TDD?
A TDD example: Part one
A TDD example: Part two
A TDD example: Part three
A TDD example: Part four
Benefits and disadvantages
10. Testing Tools
Fixtures and factories
Acceptance testing
Automatic testing
Other tools
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