How to use the exercise files
1. Database Migrations
Create a database
Migration shortcuts
The change method
Write reversible code
Irreversible migrations
Revert migrations
Create a join table
Control migration output
Dump the database schema
Define seed data
2. CRUD Methods
Create records with a block
Update multiple records
Delete multiple records
Touch records
Toggle attribute values
Increment and decrement counters
3. Dirty Objects
Track changes to objects
Track changes to attributes
Restore attributes
4. Query Interface
Other find methods
Select partial record data
Negative queries
Or queries
Retrieve records in batches
Default scopes
Replace scopes and conditions
Join tables
Distinct records
Left join tables
Eager loading
5. Delegations
Delegate attributes
Set a prefix
Without a related object
6. Callbacks
Callback basics
Conditional callbacks
Around callbacks
Other callbacks and tips
7. Associations
Use queries with associations
Destroy associated records
Touch associated records
Counter caches
Build records on an association
Self-referential associations
Single table inheritance
Polymorphic associations
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