Understand and master the principles of great UI in VR using Unity
What you should know
How to use the exercise files
1. Getting Set Up with Oculus
Download and install Unity
Preparing Unity for Oculus
Installing the Oculus SDK
Set up the base scene
Publishing to the Quest
2. Heads-Up Display
VR UI overview
Creating a simple canvas
To the edge of vision
Distance from the eye
Occlusion strategy
3. Reticle and Interaction
What is a reticle and why do you need it?
Creating a simple reticle
Reworking the HUD as a logging console
Preparing the buttons
Adding interaction to the console
Customizing the reticle
The usefulness of a ray pointer
4. UI for the Whole Body
A true UI paradigm shift
Setting up a palette
Adding buttons to your palette
Finishing up laying out the palette
Adding visual fidelity functionality
Sampling and antialiasing
Haptic feedback
5. VR Dialogs
Why worry about dialogs?
Laying out the dialog
Simple head tracking dialog setup
Input masking
Using an overlay to get attention
Animating the overlay
Adding animation to the dialog
Reworking the dialog to fade in
6. 2D UI in a 3D World
Getting around
Adding a teleport marker
A better occlusion strategy
Updating the dialog animation with occlusion
Mipmaps and filtering
Putting a bow on it
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(2.6 GB)