What you need for this course
Using the exercise files and handouts
1. Starting with Styles
What styles can do for you
Creating a style
Understanding how styles interact with themes
Working with the Styles task pane
Understanding types of styles
Viewing the formatting for selected text
Viewing all paragraph formatting with the Style Area
2. Applying Styles
Applying styles from the ribbon
Applying styles using the Apply Styles dialog box
Applying styles from the Styles window
Displaying the style list on the Quick Access bar
Replacing styles
Applying table styles
Applying styles to lists
Applying multilevel list styles
3. Creating Your Own Styles
Understanding naming conventions
Creating a paragraph style by example
Creating an alias for a style
Making a character style by definition
Creating a style from existing formatting
Basing a new style on an existing style
Leveraging style inheritance in heading styles
4. Editing Styles
Finding and fixing directly formatted text
Modifying styles automatically
Modifying table styles
Modifying list styles
5. Using Quick Style Sets to Format Documents
One-click document formatting
Understanding document formatting and Quick Style sets
Saving a custom Quick Style set
Modifying paragraph spacing for a document
6. Copying, Deleting, and Renaming Styles
Copying and pasting styles using the Organizer
Copying styles while pasting styled text
Renaming styles
Deleting styles
Deleting a Quick Style set
7. Creating a Table of Contents Using Styles
Generating a table of contents from built-in styles
Generating a table of contents from custom styles
Modifying TOC (table of contents) styles
8. Managing Styles and Style Options
Navigating using styles
Adding the Quick Styles gallery to the Quick Access bar
Using and assigning style keyboard shortcuts
Printing a list of styles and keyboard assignments
Restricting other users to specific styles
Setting font, document, and template defaults
Setting sort order and styles to show
Editing, hiding, and recommending
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