Using the exercise files
1. Working with Input
Input introduction
Building an input manager
Abstracting axis input
Building an input state class
Tracking button release states
Reading from the input state class
Building multiple input managers for multi-player games
2. Walking and Running
Setting up the first character
Building a test level
Building the abstract player behavior
Changing the direction the player is facing
Saving direction state
Adding walking to the player
Making the player run
3. Player Animations
Managing player animation states
Connecting player animation states
4. Managing Player Collisions
Working with script execution order
Building a collision state manager
Debugging player collision state
5. Jumping
Making the player jump
Limiting jump
Adding the jump animation
Adding double jump
Building a double jump effect
Adding long jump
6. Ducking
Adding ducking to the player
Adding the ducking animation
Disable other player behaviors when ducking
7. Wall Collision
Building walls for the test level
Detecting player wall collisions
Adding wall collision animation
8. Sliding Down Walls
Sticking to walls
Sliding down walls
Speeding up wall slide
Adding a wall slide effect
9. Jumping Off Walls
Making the player jump off walls
Cleaning up the wall jump
Testing out wall-to-wall jumping
10. Items
Picking up items
Equipping items
Changing animation based on item
Adding additional item animation states
11. Firing Projectiles
Creating a fireball
Destroying the fireball
Shooting the fireball projectile
Cleaning up the fireball projectile
(166.3 MB)