Creating efficient Python projects
What you should know
Using the exercise files
1. The Production Process
Working together as a team
Avoid mistakes
Feedback loop
2. Dependecy Management
Production vs. development
Solution: Gunicorn
The problem
Package managers
Internal PyPI vendoring
Challenge: Gunicorn
3. Testing
What to test
Development vs. CI environment
Feedback to developers
4. Logging
Eyes to production
Python loggers
Log configuration
Dynamic configuration
Structured logging
Log aggregators
Challenge: Configure logging
Solution: Configure logging
5. Metrics
What are metrics?
Types of metrics
Designing metrics
Metrics decorators
Metrics systems
Challenge: report_errors metrics decorator
Solution: report_errors metris decorator
6. Deployment
Deployment problems
Deployment strategies
Reverting deployment
Use Fabric to automate deployment
Continuous delivery
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