Modernize the web with Gatsby
Prerequisites for this course
1. Setting Up Gatsby for the First Time
Gatsby: A static site generator
Initial setup
Configure helper tools
Install a Gatsby starter
Start and stop your local Gatsby site
2. Breaking Down a Gatsby Site
Starting from scratch with exercise files
Explore the project
Challenge: Change the site title and other content
Solution: Change the site title and other content
3. Pages, Components, and Styles
Static pages
Static assets
Components and how to use them
The layout component
CSS in Gatsby: Multiple approaches
Example: CSS modules and modern CSS
Challenge: Create a navigation component
Solution: Create a navigation component
4. Plugins and Images
Extend Gatsby with plugins
Plugin options
Example: Images in Gatsby
Custom image features
Challenge: Add two new images to a page
Solution: Add two new images to a page
5. Data
Gatsby and GraphQL
Make a page query
Building an advanced GraphQL query
Adding dynamic images
Challenge: Make a dynamic navigation menu
Solution: Make a dynamic navigation menu
6. Create Pages Dynamically
Transform data into pages
Make data available through transformers
Extend transformed data with new data
Process transformed data
Import Markdown files with a transformer
Generate pages from Markdown files
Create paginated index pages
Challenge: Add paginated tag indexes
Solution: Add paginated tag indexes
7. Going Live
Build the production site
Add PWA and offline functionality
Further information