Using the exercise files
1. Understanding Webinars
What is a webinar?
Understanding how businesses use webinars
Attracting new customers with webinars
Building client relationships with webinars
Making webinars engaging
2. Selecting Webinar Software
Researching important features
Assessing your needs
Comparing software products
A closer look at Adobe Connect
A closer look at GoToWebinar
A closer look at WebEx Event Center
A closer look at Google Hangouts On Air
A closer look at AnyMeeting
3. Planning Your Webinar
Defining your purpose
Selecting a webinar topic
Selecting webinar presenters
Filling production team roles
Creating a webinar agenda
Orienting the audience
Building the presentation
Planning audience interactivity
Scheduling your webinar
Marketing your webinar
Rehearsing your webinar
4. Producing Your Webinar
Using audio and video
Preparing your environment
Setting attendee and presenter permissions
Recording the webinar
Opening the webinar event
Introducing the webinar
Handling audience Q&A
Polling the audience
Using interactive whiteboards
Concluding the webinar
Following up with attendees
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