What you should know
Exercise files
1. Getting Started with htmlwidgets
What are htmlwidgets?
Where can you use htmlwidgets?
Set up RStudio for htmlwidgets
Install htmlwidget libraries
Select the best htmlwidget
Use the pipe operator (%>%)
Prepare data to be tidy
2. Creating Interactive Maps with Leaflet
What is the Leaflet library?
Create interactive scattergeo maps
Change map styles in Leaflet
Prepare data for a choropleth plot
Create interactive choropleth maps
Create interactive geolines maps
Add legends to Leaflet maps
Extract click information from Leaflet
3. Creating Interactive Charts with Plotly
What is the Plotly library?
Make ggplot2 interactive using Plotly
Create interactive stacked bar charts
Interactive scatter, line, and bubble charts with Leaflet
Create interactive maps
Specify custom colors
Customize tooltips
Combine multiple charts
Extract click information from Plotly
4. Creating Interactive Charts with Highcharter
What is the Highcharter library?
Create interactive stacked bar charts
Create interactive scatter charts and bubble charts
Create interactive time series
Create interactive treemaps
Create interactive choropleth maps
Specify your own colors
Modify tooltips in Highcharter
Extract click information from Highcharter
5. Creating Interactive Networks with visNetwork
What is the visNetwork library?
Create basic network diagrams
Style visNetwork graph
Use visNetwork with igraph
Choose graph layouts and embeddings
Cluster nodes in visNetwork using groups
Add legends to visNetwork
Extract click information from visNetwork
6. Creating Interactive Tables
What is the DT library?
Create interactive data tables with DT
Format columns and data
Design responsive (mobile-ready) tables
Allow users to download data
Extract click information from data tables
(47.2 MB)