Calculating times and dates with R
Course organization
1. Why Are Dates and Times in R Confusing?
Typical date calculations
How dates and times are stored in R
Choose the right date and time tool
2. Dates and Times in Base R
The base R "Date" class
Use formatters to recognize dates in character strings
Dealing with time zones and daylight savings time
Use operators to compare date objects
Adding and subtracting dates and times
Create sequences of dates, cut dates, and round dates
Extract parts of a date
Presenting formatted dates and times
Use read.csv() to import CSV date information
3. Lubridate and the Tidyverse
Advantages of the Lubridate package
Parsing date and time with Lubridate
Getting and setting time components with Lubridate
Rounding dates and time with Lubridate
Lubridate math with durations
Lubridate math with periods
Lubridate math with intervals
Time zones with Lubridate
4. Dates and Times for Business and Finance
The busdater package
The BusinessDuration package
The fmdates package
5. Working with Time-Series Data
Time-series data
The base R ts class
The zoo package
The xts package
The tsibble and tibbletime packages
Time-series rolling statistics
Time-series graphics
The timelineR package
The timelineS package
The CRAN task view for time-series analysis
6. Specialized Date and Time Packages
The anytime package
The hms package
The mondate package
The datetime package
The datetimeutils package
The padr package
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