What you should know before watching this course
Using the exercise files
1. System Setup
Why use V-Ray?
Using recommended hardware
Customizing the interface
Installing V-Ray and DR Spawner
Quick tour of the rendering interface
2. Terminology and Strategy
Geeky definitions you should know
Activating V-Ray and understanding its approach
Critical quality settings
The new physical camera vs. the old default camera
3. Focus on Product Design
Mastering the keys to a great product rendering
Learning from bad renderings
Modeling tips for awesome renders
4. Setting Up Your 3D Studio
Introduction to backdrop studio types
Dave's Glow-Wall Studio
Lighting settings and strategies
Using the new Dome Light for image-based lighting (IBL)
Camera settings and strategies
5. Materials for Product Design
Exploring recommended material types
Using the toon material for serious renders
Creating text and logos with maps
Creating text and logos with Dave's tips
Digging deeper into materials
6. Post-Processing
Using the video Frame Buffer
Introducing alpha channels
Making new backgrounds
Generating a vignette "highlight" effect
Creating depth of field
7. Workflow Tips
Organizing your studio
The real-time render engine
Dave's random and useful tips and tricks
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