What you should know
1. What Is the BRFSS?
U.S. risk factors
Introduction to the BRFSS
More on the BRFSS
What is a descriptive BRFSS analysis?
Cross-sectional analysis in the BRFSS
Ethical use of BRFSS data
BRFSS resources
Choosing R for a BRFSS analysis: Some considerations
Choosing R for a BRFSS analysis: More considerations
Installing R
Navigating in R
Installing the foreign package
Installing necessary packages
2. Designing Your Metadata
Uses of a data dictionary
How to set up a data dictionary
Adding to the data dictionary
Understanding confounders
Making a web of causation
Designing confounders: Age and smoking
Designing confounders: Other demographics
Designing confounders: Other variables used in analysis
3. Reading in Data and Applying Exclusions
Challenge: Delete rows
Solution: Delete rows
Reading in BRFSS XPT data
Naming conventions
Keeping native variables
Applying the first exclusion
Applying the rest of the exclusions
Operations in code
Making a data reduction diagram
Generating exposure
Generating outcome variables
4. Preparing for Descriptive Analysis
Challenge: Make a categorical variable from a continuous one
Solution: Make a categorical variable from a continuous one
Generating the age variables
Generating the smoking variables
Finalizing the analytic data set
What is Table 1?
Reviewing categorical variable distribution
Reviewing continuous variable distribution
5. Conducting Descriptive Analysis
Preparing categorical Table 1 shell
Preparing continuous Table 1 shell
Adding overall frequencies to categorical Table 1
Making a frequency macro
Adding overall frequencies to continuous Table 1
Completing categorical Table 1
Completing continuous Table 1
6. Descriptive Analysis: Weights and Tests
Challenge: Do a weighted analysis
Solution: Do a weighted analysis
Three truths about using weights
Conducting a descriptive weighted analysis
Why conduct bivariate tests?
Adding categorical bivariate tests to Table 1
Introduction to ANOVA and linear regression code
Adding continuous bivariate tests to Table 1
Review of the metadata
Uses of metadata
Review of the process
Next steps in the BRFSS analysis
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