Welcome to the course
What you should know
1. Designing Your Research
Scientific method review
Using a cross-sectional approach
Reviewing existing literature for ideas
Dealing with scientific plausibility
Selecting a linear regression hypothesis
Selecting a logistic regression hypothesis
Installing necessary packages
2. Preparing for Linear Regression
Challenge: Create a categorical variable for quartiles
Solution: Create a categorical variable for quartiles
Plots for checking assumptions in linear regression
Interpreting diagnostic plots
Categorization and transformation
Regression review
Preparing to report results
3. Beginning Linear Regression Modeling
Linear regression output
Choices of modeling approaches
Overview of modeling process
Models 1 and 2
Model metadata
4. Final Linear Regression Modeling
Beginning Model 3
Making a working Model 3
Finalizing Model 3
Looking at the final model
Fishing and interaction
Other strategies for improving model fit
Defending the final model
Presenting the final model
5. Preparing for Logistic Regression
Forward stepwise regression: Round 3
Challenge: Fit a logistic regression model
Solution: Fit a logistic regression model
Analogies to linear regression process
Parameter estimates in logistic regression
Odds ratio interpretation
Basic logistic code
Forward stepwise regression: First two rounds
6. Developing the Logistic Regression Model
Model metadata
Forward stepwise: Round 3
Using AIC to assess model fit
Model 3 presentation
Running Model 1
Adding odds ratios to models
Forward stepwise: Round 2
When to compare nested models
How to compare nested models
Models 1 and 2 presentation
Interpreting the final model
Review of metadata
Review of the process
Next steps
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