Exercise files
1. Fundamentals
Exploring collision geometry types
Overview of constraints
2. Rigid Body Dynamics
Process overview
Source assets
Create simulation with shell and ground
Create collision geometry for shell
Create collision geometry for ground
Add base into simulation
Create collision geometry for base
Add frame into simulation
Add crates to simulation
Add cans to simulation
Tweak sim and constraint parameters
Modify attributes on shell constraints
Modify attributes on frame constraints
Apply simulation to full-resolution shell
Apply simulation to full-resolution geometry
Run simulation and create flipbook
Combine results and export alembic
3. Soft Body Dynamics
Process overview
Create FEM simulation
Create a point deform system
Run and cache FEM simulation
Prep edge geo for wire sim
Create tentacle geo
Create tentacle sim
Create volume noise for wire sim
Add volume advection to wire sim
Create wires from arm geo
Add arm wires to wire sim
Combine and export wire sim
Create tentacle geo from wires
Wire deform arm geo with wires
Ray arm geo to body geo
Combine elements and export alembic
4. Building an HDA
Scene overview
Create subnet and make paths relative
Promote parameters and build UI
Export HDA
Open HDA in Maya
Open HDA in C4D
(451.4 MB)