Why conversion copywriting?
The conversion copywriting process
1. Borrowing Messages from Customers
What is the voice of the customer (VOC)?
Must-use techniques to find your message
VOC research: How to mine reviews quickly
Finding your what, finding your how
Collecting VOC from your customers
2. Using Proven Frameworks and Formulas
List, offer, copy: What to know before you write
Offer optimization
Stages of awareness
Overview of persuasive frameworks
Using persuasive frameworks: PAS
3. Writing Your First Draft
Web copy: Turn your outline into a first draft
Email copy: Plan a sequence using VOC
Email copy: Write an email using VOC
4. Editing in the Awesome and Validating Your Work
Experiment to find your better practices
The you rule
Using persuasive copywriting formulas
The even if technique
The one test
Validating clarity with five second tests
Let the data drive your next steps
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