1. Developing Your Content
What is a sell sheet?
Three types of sell sheets defined
Define your audience
Define your core purpose
Identify your key differentiators
Let your goals guide your content
Define your call to action
Challenge: The content worksheet
Solution: The content worksheet
2. Laying Out Your Content
Organize your content
Using data to tell your best story
Let your brand guide you
Make what you're selling the star
Why visuals should take center stage
Where to place the call to action
Lay out the content in illustrator
3. Wireframing Your Design
Why custom visuals are key
Using photography
How iconography impacts your audience
Choose colors that send a message
Develop a hierarchy for your fonts
Challenge: Wireframe your design
4. Designing Your Sell Sheet
Visualize data in Illustrator
Add in iconography
Add photos
Add illustrations
Finalize your design
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