Create great training solutions
Learning pros and cons
1. Understanding Your Organization
What stage of growth is your organization in?
What are your organization's strategic goals?
What are your organization's pain points?
Who has power and who has influence?
2. Solving a Learning Problem
What's not working now?
What does success look like?
What are your good people doing?
What have you already tried?
3. Designing a Learning Experience
What are the parameters?
What format will work best?
4. Designing the Learning
What is the story you're telling?
What aha moments do you need to create?
How can you connect to something they already know?
5. Building the Learning
How do you help them get present?
What is your audience showing you?
How can you help people feel safe?
What will get them engaged?
6. Extending the Learning
What are the key takeaways?
How can you extend the learning?
How do you measure success?
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