1. Increasing Your Sales with Cross-Selling Techniques
Increase your sales with cross-selling
2. What Is Cross-Selling?
Cross-selling versus upselling
General benefits of cross-selling
The additional value of cross-selling
Potential drawbacks of cross-selling
3. Building a Cross-Selling Strategy
Understanding your customer
Determining your internal sales model
Quantifying customer potential
Determining your revenue goals
Maximizing revenue opportunities
Creating the buyer journey
4. Executing the Strategy
Creating problem-centric messaging
Asking effective questions
Solving one problem at a time
Ensuring maximum value clarity
5. Aligning Sales and Marketing for Cross Selling Effectiveness
Defining, scoring, and measuring the buyer journey
Integrating a coordinated content strategy
Determining the right tools and technology
Using customer data to drive opportunity
What problem can you solve for your customer?
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